

  • June 2024 PTCC Notice of Proposed Rule Making


    Physical Therapy Compact Commission Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

    The Physical Therapy Compact Commission is requesting public comment on the proposed amendments to its Rules. Pursuant to Section 9 of the Physical Therapy Compact, the Commission is required to post this Notice at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting at which the Rules will be considered and voted upon by the Commission.

    PUBLICATION DATE: 5/8/2024


    Rule Summary of Changes
    1.1 Adds a definition of “expired” and of “significant investigatory information
    2.3 Amends the rule to clarify the expiration date of an initial compact privilege, as well as how renewal of the home state license impacts the expiration date of a compact privilege
    3.1 Changes the timeframe of how long a compact privilege holder must report a change in home state from 30 days to 60 days
    3.5 Clarifies the expiration date of an initial compact privilege, as well as how renewal of the home state license impacts the expiration date of a compact privilege and changes the timeframe of how long a compact privilege holder must report a change in home state from 30 days to 60 days
    6.7 Amends the rule to clarify what qualifies as investigative information significant enough to warrant notification to the Commission

    TEXT OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: A copy of the proposed amendments is attached to this Notice.

    MEETING DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION: The Physical Therapy Compact Commission will consider and vote on the adoption of the attached amendments to its Rules at its public meeting on June 17, 2024. The meeting will take place virtually at 1:30 p.m. ET.

    DEADLINE AND PROCESS TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS: Written comments must be received by 5:00 PM, ET, on June 13, 2024. All comments or intentions to attend the Commission meeting should be submitted electronically by the deadline to All comments must be provided in a single file and must include the name of the submitter, any organization the submitter represents, and the rule number(s) the comments address. If electronic submission of comments is not feasible, please contact the PT Compact Commission using the contact information below for special instructions.

    REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARING: Pursuant to Section 9 of the Physical Therapy Compact, the PT Compact Commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed rules changes if a hearing is requested by: 1. At least twenty-five (25) persons; 2. A state or federal governmental subdivision or agency; or 3. An association having at least twenty-five (25) members. If one of the three standards above is met, the Commission will hold a hearing on the proposed rules at its public meeting on June 17, 2024. The meeting will take place virtually at 1:30 PM, ET. All requests for a public hearing must be submitted electronically to by 5:00 PM, ET, on June 13, 2024.

    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeffrey M. Rosa, Compact Administrator, by email at or by telephone at 703-299-3100 ext. 239 or at 124 West Street South, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314-2825. 

  • MDS Survey

    The board is requiring the MDS Survey to be completed once again this year. The MDS Survey will be required to be completed prior to logging into the renewal form. The link to the MDS Survey is: If you have any questions, you may contact the board office.
  • Physical Therapy 2023 Legislative Report

    North Dakota’s 68th Legislative Assembly, that began Day 1 at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2023, lurched to a close at 2:54am on Sunday, April 30, 2023, its 75th Legislative Day, after considering some 990 bills and resolutions. The State Constitution allows the Legislature to meet 80 days biennially, or every two years, so the Legislature has five days “in the bank” to use to call itself into special session for whatever reason the next two years. It was a good session for physical therapists. First and foremost was SB 2191, introduced at the urging of the North Dakota chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA-ND).  It adds physical therapists to the list of health care practitioners who can sign applications for mobility impaired parking permits. It sailed through nearly unanimously and was signed by the Governor March 15, 2023. It takes effect  August 1, 2023.  There were four bills aimed at licensing boards. HB 1372 would have required boards to issue a provisional license within 30 days to foreign practitioners who were state residents. It was strongly opposed by various licensing boards and was defeated in the House 0-90. HB 2184, introduced by Sen. Judy Lee, R-West Fargo, would have put all boards under a uniform governance law and called for another interim study of licensing boards. It failed in the House, again with much board opposition.  Senate majority leader Sen. David Hogue, R-Minot, an attorney, introduced SB 2249 to put all licensing boards under the Labor Commissioner with directions to review continuing education requirements and licensing of out-of-state applicants, among other things. It was amended to have the Labor Commissioner meet with the boards during the interim to discuss these issues and to recommend legislation to the 69th Legislative Assembly. It passed. Sen. Lee also introduced SB 2337, to have the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provide administrative, financial and information technology (IT) services to all boards. It was another attempt at uniform governance. It failed in the Senate 1-46. One of the most controversial health care bills of the session was HB 1416, the any willing provider law. It said an insurer must allow coverage for an insured who sees a health care provider not in the company’s plan. It passed but was vetoed by the Governor. The legislature over-rode the veto and it will become law August 1, 2023. Two physical therapists testified in both the House and Senate in favor of the bill. HB 1221, which requires health care professionals to wear name tags properly designating their profession, was introduced by the North Dakota Medical Association (NDMA) and reflects existing law for physical therapists, passed and becomes law August 1, 2023. However, another NDMA bill, HB 1121, which sought to include health care professionals working in hospital or clinical locations to existing law which makes assaulting those persons a Class C felony, failed. HB 2012, the huge ($5.3 billion) Health and Human Service Department budget, obviously passed. It included language providing 3% inflationary reimbursement rates for each of the next two years of the biennium (2023-2024, 2024-2025) for health care providers (including physical therapists) providing services under traditional Medicaid. Let me know if you have any questions. Jack McDonald WHEELER WOLF LAW FIRM Box 1776 Bismarck, ND 58502-1776 Ph: 701-751-1776; Fx: 701-751-1777 Cell: 701-220-1996
Page Updated: 8/5/2020 9:19:44 AM